Record, then remember.

Record, then remember.


Hello there! The story of 『WiiWrite』 actually began with a 『failure.』

Around this time last year, I had just finished my final year of study in the UK and was stepping into a brand-new chapter of life. Graduation—job hunting—interviews—probation… In less than a year, I tried three different jobs, all in completely different industries but with the same experience: unhappiness. Each day, I faced my computer screen with forced energy, ticking off tasks from my phone’s to-do list one by one. After work, I would return to a coldly lit, far-from-cozy rental apartment. My personal time was scarce, but my exhaustion was abundant. I couldn’t help but wonder: What kind of life do I want? Am I getting any closer to my ideals?

That’s when I picked up a pen and started keeping a journal for the first time. Journaling is a very special thing. It’s not straightforward—unlike digital documents, where you can easily delete and rewrite, it demands greater care in choosing words and crafting sentences. Sometimes, the expressions can feel indirect and verbose. It’s also not efficient—there’s no ChatGPT or other tools, just the “scratch-scratch” sound of pen on paper. Back in my student days, I hated writing because I had to do so much of it every day, sometimes going through several pens in just a week. But now, writing has become the best bridge for me to communicate with myself. I’ve suddenly fallen in love with the act of writing and expressing my thoughts on paper.

Whether it’s fortunate or not, I was fired from my job. On my last day, as I packed up my belongings and canceled my access card, my sadness was gradually replaced by calm—because I could finally do what I wanted. I gained so much time to converse with myself and to document all my ideas. Whenever I flipped back through my old notes, my favorite part was the subtle texture of the paper where the pen had pressed in, a tactile warmth that an electronic document could never replicate. I think that’s when the first seed of WiiWrite was planted—we write.

Journaling is a joyful act. When you look back long after, you can sense your mood at the time through your handwriting. It holds so many fragments of you, more than you might imagine.

So, that’s the story of WiiWrite and my journey with it. To record, and to remember. I hope we can all enjoy the reflections that journaling brings, and I hope it brings you genuine happiness. After all… the core of WiiWrite will always be joy.

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